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Instruction Guide 128x64 OLED with Song Status and Spectrum Display on Raspberry Pi
(03-22-2021, 06:57 PM)adrii Wrote: Hi officialsm

The disabled mixer does not seem to be a problem. I usually use an I2S DAC with software volume. Without changing the audio copy configuration, I changed to mixer type disabled (0db outout), and the spectrum worked fine. I then plugged in a USB DAC and tried the software, hardware and disabled mixers, and in all cases the spectrum worked fine without any changes to the audio copy configuration.

That led me to review your ouput again, and I think I have found the problem!

pi@Simoode-audio:~ $ ps ax | grep mpd_oled
 365 ?        Dsl    1:38 /usr/bin/mpd_oled -o6 -b 10 -g 1 -f 20
 390 ?        S      0:00 sh -c mpd_oled_cava -p /tmp/cava_config_IDWMau
 391 ?        Sl     0:16 mpd_oled_cava -p /tmp/cava_config_IDWMau
22266 pts/0    S+     0:00 grep --color=auto mpd_oled

You are running mpd_oled without specifying the loopback device as the audio source. In which case, make sure you do not have a copy of mpd_oled running and then run

mpd_oled -o 6 -b 10 -g 1 -f 20 -c alsa,hw:Loopback,1


What you wrote gave me the correct idea.
I forgot to disable mpd_oled at boot from the installation i have don ewith Moode 7.0.1. So it started as old package.
Now it is fixed and working.

The trobule is that now it doesn't start at boot. I have to run each time the command from prompt.
How can i enable it at boot?

Thank you

Messages In This Thread
RE: 128x64 OLED with Song Status and Spectrum Display on Raspberry Pi - by officialsm - 03-22-2021, 08:15 PM
RE: help me - by ghera78 - 02-28-2020, 08:01 AM
RE: help me - by ghera78 - 02-28-2020, 01:17 PM

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