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Instruction Guide 128x64 OLED with Song Status and Spectrum Display on Raspberry Pi
(05-04-2021, 04:06 PM)adrii Wrote: Hi officialsm

Unfortunately the right hand side of the lines is missing, and so I can't see all the information, but I think I can see enough. The launch test has completed earlier in the startup than it should. This is because mpd appears to be running
before it is started as a service

May 04 14:25:31 Simoode-audio mpd_oled_launch_test[373]:   764 ?        DL     0:00 mpd -

[This line is longer than printed. If you view the log with 'journalctl -u mpd_oled.service -b | less' you will be able to see the end of this line.]

Something is running mpd by name, i.e. without a path. In my log mpd is run like this

May 04 17:22:36 moode mpd_oled_launch_test[282]:   673 ?        Rs     0:00 /usr/local/bin/mpd --no-daemon /etc/mpd.conf

Reviewing the Moode code I found

workerLog('worker: -- System');

// Store platform data
playerSession('write', 'hdwrrev', getHdwrRev());
$mpdver = explode(" ", strtok(shell_exec('mpd -V | grep "Music Player Daemon"'),"\n"));

And you can see from your logs that this is where mpd_oled was run

May 04 14:25:31 Simoode-audio mpd_oled_launch_test[373]: 20210504 142530 worker: -- Syste
May 04 14:25:31 Simoode-audio systemd[1]: Started MPD OLED Display.
May 04 14:25:31 Simoode-audio mpd_oled[784]: Linux kernel module "snd_aloop" does not see
May 04 14:25:31 Simoode-audio mpd_oled[784]: Maybe run "sudo modprobe snd_aloop".

I think it is likely that this is the issue. Sometimes the script test will run at the same time as this command, which will cause it to succeed early, and mpd_oled will fail to start. I'll look into a fix for the launch test script, but for now you could probably load the ALSA loopback module at boot by adding 'snd-aloop' to '/etc/modules'.


Ok added to /etc/modules. Please when new installation script will be ready notify me in order to make new installation.
Thank you so much helping me.

Messages In This Thread
RE: 128x64 OLED with Song Status and Spectrum Display on Raspberry Pi - by officialsm - 05-04-2021, 05:04 PM
RE: help me - by ghera78 - 02-28-2020, 08:01 AM
RE: help me - by ghera78 - 02-28-2020, 01:17 PM

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