Today's the first time I've used this thing, so go easy. I'm running Moode Release 7.2.1 on a pi 3b+ and a hifiberry DAC2 Pro. If I just start up the pi and go to Moode in a browser and click on a radio station it'll visibly start playing, but there's no audio from either headphone or RCA outputs. Volume on Moode and amp are cranked up. Poking around this and the HiFiBerry forum suggested I should change my I2S Audio Device to 'HiFiBerry DAC+ Pro' (default was 'none') and restart the pi, but when I do that I get the following error:
MPD error
Failed to open "ALSA Default" (alsa); Failed to open ALSA device "_audioout": No such file or directory
I have no idea what that means. Help?
MPD error
Failed to open "ALSA Default" (alsa); Failed to open ALSA device "_audioout": No such file or directory