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Official moOde 7.2.1 support thread
Correct. See mpd.conf below. Bluetooth still has a separate output. It was left this way because the code that manages switching between Local and Bluetooth output needs a rewrite to be compatible with the new ALSA routing framework. Maybe it can be done for the upcoming 7.3.0 release.

audio_output {
type "alsa"
name "ALSA Default"
device "_audioout"
mixer_type "hardware"
mixer_control "Revolution "
mixer_device "hw:2"
mixer_index "0"
dop "no"

audio_output {
type "alsa"
name "ALSA Bluetooth"
device "btstream"
mixer_type "software"

audio_output {
type "httpd"
name "HTTP Server"
port "8000"
encoder "lame"
bitrate "320"
tags "yes"
always_on "yes"
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RE: Official moOde 7.2.1 support thread - by Tim Curtis - 05-10-2021, 12:12 PM

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