05-27-2021, 12:40 PM
I have 3 RPi audio players build around Element14 Cirrus / Wolfson audio cards, with Pi 2, 3 and 4 respectively as base computer.
I used to run those with Volumio and some simple config hacks to enable the Wolfson card, but I would like to shift to Moode Audio for various reasons.
I'm using my Pi4 box, which also has a 7" official RPi touchscreen, as test for Moode ; I started with version 7.0.x and, as some others, I could get some sound out of the Wolfson card by manually hacking the RPi config files as explained by "Horus" on his driver page, but hardware volume control doesn't work and any re-config on Moode may ruin the MDP config and stop the sound. Not Practical.
Then I tried to edit the configuration DB file of Moode to add the needed "I2S" config line for the Wolfson card ... and all I succeed to do is to prevent the Web GUI of Moode to load, stuck at the CLI level on the screen.
I tried with manual DB commands on a running Moode player and also from a fresh - never run - new Moode image by using an external DB editor . None worked correctly. There must be some DB revision number checking system built into some parts of Moode ?
I was expecting a lot of good things from version 7.1.x with the support of "foreign I2S drivers" somewhat promised, so I made the upgrade ... but I cannot see the Cirrus-RPi overlay in the list of I2S drivers, so no luck. :-(
So, I am wondering if anyone knows how the configuration DB of Moode can be modified properly without breaking things, in order to test other I2S drivers & cards ?
One way I did not test yet is to delete a "Moode Approved" I2S overlay file and rename the RPi-Cirrus overlay by the name of this deleted file ... but that would be a very ugly hack. Maybe worth trying anyway, just to have a look at other possible issues (MPD config, for exemple).
I have 3 RPi audio players build around Element14 Cirrus / Wolfson audio cards, with Pi 2, 3 and 4 respectively as base computer.
I used to run those with Volumio and some simple config hacks to enable the Wolfson card, but I would like to shift to Moode Audio for various reasons.
I'm using my Pi4 box, which also has a 7" official RPi touchscreen, as test for Moode ; I started with version 7.0.x and, as some others, I could get some sound out of the Wolfson card by manually hacking the RPi config files as explained by "Horus" on his driver page, but hardware volume control doesn't work and any re-config on Moode may ruin the MDP config and stop the sound. Not Practical.
Then I tried to edit the configuration DB file of Moode to add the needed "I2S" config line for the Wolfson card ... and all I succeed to do is to prevent the Web GUI of Moode to load, stuck at the CLI level on the screen.
I tried with manual DB commands on a running Moode player and also from a fresh - never run - new Moode image by using an external DB editor . None worked correctly. There must be some DB revision number checking system built into some parts of Moode ?
I was expecting a lot of good things from version 7.1.x with the support of "foreign I2S drivers" somewhat promised, so I made the upgrade ... but I cannot see the Cirrus-RPi overlay in the list of I2S drivers, so no luck. :-(
So, I am wondering if anyone knows how the configuration DB of Moode can be modified properly without breaking things, in order to test other I2S drivers & cards ?
One way I did not test yet is to delete a "Moode Approved" I2S overlay file and rename the RPi-Cirrus overlay by the name of this deleted file ... but that would be a very ugly hack. Maybe worth trying anyway, just to have a look at other possible issues (MPD config, for exemple).