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Official moOde 7.2.1 support thread
After more than a year I finally moved to the latest version, stunning how much has changed. No doubt the developers and contributors have done us supporters right over the years.  I will donate again today.

There is one issue when searching the library. Once I have performed the search can't figure out how to clear the search criteria. In other words the results of the search remain displayed. Have tried clearing search fields and submitting to know avail.

Is there a specific procedure to clear the results of a library search? Thanks

S Y S T E M   P A R A M E T E R S

moOde release = 7.2.1 2021-05-06
RaspiOS = 10.6
Linux kernel = 5.4.77-v7l+ #1371
Platform = Pi-4B 1.2 4GB
Architecture = armv7l (32-bit)

Messages In This Thread
RE: Official moOde 7.2.1 support thread - by Onionhead - 05-31-2021, 01:42 PM

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