05-31-2021, 04:03 PM
The only changes to config.txt were in the updates for release 6.6.0 and 6.7.0 and these did not involve mpd_oled.
I think we are good leaving things as-is regarding maintaining config.txt :-)
# Update /boot/config.txt with HDMI settings
sed -i '/hdmi_blanking=1/a hdmi_force_edid_audio=1\nhdmi_force_hotplug=1\nhdmi_group=1' /boot/config.txt
# Rename wifi and bt dtoverlay names
sed -i 's/pi3-disable-wifi/disable-wifi/' /boot/config.txt
sed -i 's/pi3-disable-bt/disable-bt/' /boot/config.txt
I think we are good leaving things as-is regarding maintaining config.txt :-)