First thanks to Tim and the team from a long time user, despite I am now struggling with my Album view fore the first time in years.
I have been a member for a long time without many post, but I use my account almost every day to filter read post from not read.
Are there any login on these accounts thats suspicious ? Maybe (if possible) accounts with no login for a given time could be deleted.
This is my second post today and in a long time, might better get more active ?
First thanks to Tim and the team from a long time user, despite I am now struggling with my Album view fore the first time in years.
I have been a member for a long time without many post, but I use my account almost every day to filter read post from not read.
Are there any login on these accounts thats suspicious ? Maybe (if possible) accounts with no login for a given time could be deleted.
This is my second post today and in a long time, might better get more active ?