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Official moOde 7.3.0 support thread
(07-01-2021, 11:22 AM)Tim Curtis Wrote:
(07-01-2021, 06:50 AM)kiwipaul Wrote: Thanks for update. I am getting a very low volume with the Spotify Connect renderer. Volume OK on the the other renderers I have been able to test. 

Have rebooted etc.

Is this a known problem?

S Y S T E M   P A R A M E T E R S

moOde release        = 7.3.0 2021-06-25
RaspiOS            = 10.10
Linux kernel        = 5.10.17-v7l+ #1421
Platform        = Pi-4B 1.4 2GB

PHP-FPM version        = 7.3.27
NGINX version        = 1.14.2
SQLite3 version        = 3.27.2
Hostapd version        = 2.8-devel
WiringPi version    = 2.50
RPi.GPIO version    = 0.7.0

A U D I O   P A R A M E T E R S

Audio device        = HIFI DAC+
Interface        = I2S
Mixer name        = Digital
Hardware mixer        = Yes
Supported formats    = S16_LE, S24_LE, S32_LE
ALSA max volume        = 100
ALSA output mode    = Default (plughw)
ALSA loopback        = Off
MPD max volume        = 100
Volume step limit    = 10
Display dB volume    = Off
Audio source        = Local
Output device        = Local
Resume MPD        = No
Volume knob        = 20
Volume mute        = Unmuted
Saved MPD vol        = 0
Preamp volume        = 0
ALSA version        = 1.1.8-1+rpt1
SoX version        = 0.1.2-3

Polarity inversion    = Off
Crossfeed        = Off
Crossfade        = Off
Parametric EQ        = On
Graphic EQ        = Off
CamillaDSP        = off
MPD httpd        = Off
Ignore CUE files    = Yes

M P D   S E T T I N G S

Version            = 0.22.8_p0x3
Volume mixer        = hardware
ALSA device        = hw:0
SoX resampling        = disabled
Selective resampling    = disabled
SoX quality        = high
SoX multithreading    = off
DSD over PCM (DoP)    = no
Replaygain        = off
Replaygain preamp    = 0
Volume normalization    = No
Audio buffer        = 4 (MB)
Output buffer size    = 128 (MB)
Max playlist items    = 16384
Input cache        = Disabled

S P O T I F Y   S E T T I N G S

Friendly name        = Moode Bedroom   Spotify
ALSA device        = eqfa12p
Bit rate        = 320
Initial volume        = 10
Volume curve        = log
Volume normalization    = No
Normalization pregain    = 10
Autoplay        = No
Resume MPD        = No

M O O D E   S T A R T U P   L O G

20210701 062931 worker: -- Start
20210701 062931 worker: Successfully daemonized
20210701 062932 worker: Integrity check (passed)
20210701 062932 worker: File check (OK)
20210701 062933 worker: Session vacuumed
20210701 062933 worker: Session loaded
20210701 062933 worker: Debug logging (OFF)
20210701 062933 worker: -- Audio debug
20210701 062933 worker: ALSA cards: (0:sndrpihifiberry | 1:empty | 2:empty | 3:empty
20210701 062933 worker: MPD config: (0:HIFI DAC+ | mixer:(Digital) | card:0)
20210701 062933 worker: ALSA mixer actual (Digital)
20210701 062933 worker: ALSA Digital volume set to (0%)
20210701 062933 worker: -- System
20210701 062934 worker: Host     (moodebedroom)
20210701 062934 worker: moOde    (7.3.0 2021-06-25)
20210701 062934 worker: RaspiOS  (10.10)
20210701 062934 worker: Kernel   (5.10.17-v7l+ #1421)
20210701 062934 worker: Platform (Pi-4B 1.4 2GB)
20210701 062934 worker: ARM arch (armv7l, 32-bit kernel)
20210701 062934 worker: MPD ver  (0.22.8_p0x3)
20210701 062934 worker: CPU gov  (ondemand)
20210701 062934 worker: USB boot not available
20210701 062934 worker: File system expanded
20210701 062934 worker: HDMI port off
20210701 062934 worker: -- Network
20210701 062934 worker: eth0 exists
20210701 062934 worker: IP addr (
20210701 062934 worker: Netmask (
20210701 062934 worker: Gateway (
20210701 062934 worker: Pri DNS (
20210701 062934 worker: Domain  (None)
20210701 062934 worker: wlan0 does not exist
20210701 062934 worker: -- Audio config
20210701 062935 worker: MPD conf updated
20210701 062935 worker: ALSA card number (0)
20210701 062935 worker: MPD audio output (HIFI DAC+)
20210701 062935 worker: Audio formats (S16_LE, S24_LE, S32_LE)
20210701 062935 worker: ALSA mixer name (Digital)
20210701 062935 worker: MPD volume control (hardware)
20210701 062935 worker: Hdwr volume controller exists
20210701 062935 worker: Max ALSA volume (100%)
20210701 062935 worker: ALSA output mode (Default: plughw)
20210701 062935 worker: ALSA loopback (Off)
20210701 062935 worker: Reset renderer active flags
20210701 062935 worker: CamillaDSP (off)
20210701 062935 worker: -- MPD startup
20210701 062935 worker: MPD started
20210701 062935 worker: MPD accepting connections
20210701 062936 worker: MPD output 1 ALSA Default (on)
20210701 062936 worker: MPD output 2 ALSA Bluetooth (off)
20210701 062936 worker: MPD output 3 HTTP Server (off)
20210701 062936 worker: MPD crossfade (off)
20210701 062936 worker: MPD ignore CUE files (yes)
20210701 062936 worker: -- Feature availability
20210701 062936 worker: Source select (available)
20210701 062936 worker: Source select (source: MPD)
20210701 062936 worker: Source select (output: HIFI DAC+)
20210701 062943 worker: Bluetooth pairing agent (started)
20210701 062943 worker: Bluetooth (available: started)
20210701 062943 worker: Airplay renderer (available: started)
20210701 062943 worker: Spotify renderer (available: started)
20210701 062943 worker: Squeezelite (available)
20210701 062943 worker: RoonBridge renderer (not installed)
20210701 062943 worker: UPnP renderer (available)
20210701 062943 worker: DLNA server (available)
20210701 062943 worker: UPnP browser (available: started)
20210701 062943 worker: GPIO button handler (available)
20210701 062943 worker: Stream recorder (n/a)
20210701 062943 worker: -- Music sources
20210701 062943 worker: USB sources (none attached)
20210701 062943 worker: NAS and UPnP sources (none configured)
20210701 062943 worker: -- Other
20210701 062943 worker: USB volume knob (Off)
20210701 062943 worker: Shellinabox SSH started
20210701 062943 worker: USB auto-mounter (udisks-glue)
20210701 062943 worker: LED0 (Off)
20210701 062943 worker: LED1 (Off)
20210701 062943 worker: Saved MPD vol level (0)
20210701 062943 worker: Preamp volume level (0)
20210701 062943 worker: MPD volume level (20) restored
20210701 062943 worker: ALSA Digital volume (60%)
20210701 062943 worker: Auto-play (Off)
20210701 062943 worker: Maintenance interval (3 hours)
20210701 062943 worker: Screen saver activation (Never)
20210701 062943 worker: Session permissions (OK)
20210701 062943 worker: Watchdog started
20210701 062943 worker: Ready
20210701 064747 worker: Job alsavolume_max
20210701 065021 worker: Job spotifysvc
20210701 065206 worker: Job spotifysvc
20210701 183107 worker: Job clearbrcache

The log shows incorrect OS and kernel version which indicates a modified/broken image. The 7.3.0 release ships with RaspiOS 10.6 and kernel 5.4.77 which are the only versions that are supported.

RaspiOS            = 10.10
Linux kernel        = 5.10.17-v7l+ #1421

Thanks. I did a apt upgrade when trying to fix the problem. If I am the only one with the problem I will reinstall and try again.

Messages In This Thread
Camilla convolution filter plots - by Macdelf - 06-29-2021, 01:34 PM
RE: Camilla convolution filter plots - by Macdelf - 06-29-2021, 03:04 PM
RE: Camilla convolution filter plots - by Macdelf - 06-29-2021, 11:41 PM
RE: Official moOde 7.3.0 support thread - by kiwipaul - 07-01-2021, 05:46 PM
Official moOde 7.3.0 support thread - by KmPan - 08-22-2021, 10:49 AM

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