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Rpi 4b in to Topping D10 for car audio (airplay)


1) by itself, the RPi4B boots and runs successfully with the iPhone charger

2) once booted by itself, the RPi4B continues to run when the D10 is plugged into it

3) but the RPi4B won't boot successfully with the D10 already attached? 

To me, this suggests the iPhone charger isn't the right choice despite its rating. The reasons are complicated [1] but the bottom line is that you may not be supplying enough current for the RPi 4B's firmware to permit a full boot with the combination load.

Simplest test: try a different power supply, preferably the official Raspberry Pi USB-C power supply.


[1] see, for example, RPiB USB C Power Delivery Negotiation as well as many, many blogs and reviews on the InterWeb™.

As an aside, it is well known that the original version of the RPi 4B lacks critical resistors in its USB-C interface and, specifically, wouldn't boot with iPhone USB-C chargers. This was corrected in a later board version. I don't think this is the specific cause of your issue since your RPi4B by itself boots with your iPhone charger, although this may be only because of the "funny" cable which likely isn't e-marked. 

PS - I hope Zandvoort has been spared the flooding that has occurred elsewhere in the Netherlands this summer.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Rpi 4b in to Topping D10 for car audio (airplay) - by TheOldPresbyope - 07-18-2021, 01:02 PM

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