08-09-2021, 04:42 PM
The plot thickens...
Then nothing...
Quick question... did you compile librespot with libmdns or DNS - sd?
pi@moode:~ $ pgrep librespot
pi@moode:~ $ kill 709
-bash: kill: (709) - Operation not permitted
pi@moode:~ $ sudo kill 709
pi@moode:~ $ pgrep librespot
pi@moode:~ $ sudo librespot -v --name "Moode Spotify" --bitrate 160 --format S16 --initial-volume 100 --volume-ctrl log --cache /var/localut" --onevent /var/local/www/commandw/spotevent.sh
[2021-08-09T13:53:49Z INFO librespot] librespot 0.2.0 UNKNOWN (Built on 2021-05-08, Build ID: QjBBATle)
[2021-08-09T13:53:49Z DEBUG librespot_connect::discovery] Zeroconf server listening on
Then nothing...
Quick question... did you compile librespot with libmdns or DNS - sd?