@Tim Curtis - thanks - found the section, and you aren't specifying, so will try and find out what the default is.
@TheOldPresbyope thanks - it's not just from my iPhone, which by the way finds other AVAHI devices (including the LMS instances of Spotify connect which I believe use the same code) but also from the web client, which again finds all the other Spotify renderers (two TV's, LMS) . It may be network related, hence trying to find out what exact protocol it's using.
FWIW, it's on a pi zero w (arm v6) in case that makes a difference.
Any other troubleshooting ideas welcomed!
@TheOldPresbyope thanks - it's not just from my iPhone, which by the way finds other AVAHI devices (including the LMS instances of Spotify connect which I believe use the same code) but also from the web client, which again finds all the other Spotify renderers (two TV's, LMS) . It may be network related, hence trying to find out what exact protocol it's using.
FWIW, it's on a pi zero w (arm v6) in case that makes a difference.
Any other troubleshooting ideas welcomed!