09-14-2018, 11:10 AM
I'd like to reanimate this thread.
I´m using dbpoweramp as well for ripping. On my NAS there are 20k+ flac files of classical music, all tagged very accurate with Artist, Album Artist, corresp. Sort-tags, Work (i.e. opus) etc. I don´t want to loose this information when using moode as I need this in my individual search struture, e.g.: Composer -> Work -> Artist or Artist -> Composer -> Work.
Is there chance to choose the tags that are displayed in moode? Any chance to get certain tags (e.g. Artist) sorted by the corresp. sort-tags (e.g. Artist_Sort)?
Cheers, AnnaBlume
I'd like to reanimate this thread.
I´m using dbpoweramp as well for ripping. On my NAS there are 20k+ flac files of classical music, all tagged very accurate with Artist, Album Artist, corresp. Sort-tags, Work (i.e. opus) etc. I don´t want to loose this information when using moode as I need this in my individual search struture, e.g.: Composer -> Work -> Artist or Artist -> Composer -> Work.
Is there chance to choose the tags that are displayed in moode? Any chance to get certain tags (e.g. Artist) sorted by the corresp. sort-tags (e.g. Artist_Sort)?
Cheers, AnnaBlume