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Question: Does Bluetooth Output use the Audio output from the DAC Hat?
I'm having to relearn what I used to know when we were first testing the RaspiOS BT subsystem and how the results were woven into moOde code. Blush Unfortunately, right now I'm dealing with new-house issues (don't ya love the term "punch list") and can't walk the code.

The immediate problem I thought we were addressing is: 
  • IF there is no BT controller present and enabled
  • AND moOde's Bluetooth Renderer is enabled (which can be done on an bare RPi2B, for example)
  • THEN moOde hangs when rebooted (actually it boots and is accessible via SSH but the WebUI hangs)

It still seems to me that the first condition can be tested using hcitool (and/or hciconfig) but I'll have to line up a couple of RPi models with and without on-board BT transceivers and with and without external USB-BT adapters to check my hypothesis.


PS - this discussion deserves its own thread.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Question: Does Bluetooth Output use the Audio output from the DAC Hat? - by TheOldPresbyope - 09-24-2021, 06:46 PM

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