09-28-2021, 04:20 PM
There are several options available to use the GPIO to control the rasperry (as input), but I'm looking for the other way arround. I have an external amplifier I want to switch on / off by moode with an relay controlled by the GPIO pins.
There is a script available see below, but it would be nice if that could be integrated into moode software / GUI direct, maybe even have the option to display a button which then activates a GPIO pin.
moodeaudio.org > Moode Forum › moOde audio player › FAQ and Guides › Activate relay upon audio output with python
There is a script available see below, but it would be nice if that could be integrated into moode software / GUI direct, maybe even have the option to display a button which then activates a GPIO pin.
moodeaudio.org > Moode Forum › moOde audio player › FAQ and Guides › Activate relay upon audio output with python