10-12-2021, 03:55 PM
(10-10-2021, 12:53 PM)TheOldPresbyope Wrote:(10-10-2021, 11:59 AM)zainframe Wrote:(10-03-2021, 02:54 PM)TheOldPresbyope Wrote: @zainframe
More precisely, moOde "doesn't support MQA" means it does not unfold MQA-encoded material. With proper settings, it will pass MQA-encoded material through to a MQA-capable DAC without modification.
Have you tried playing some local MQA-encoded tracks to test your settings? The 2L.no site, for example, offers a large number of sample tracks in a variety of encodings including MQA. They are free for you to download and use. They're my go-to source for high-bitrate test tracks.
I tried downloading a few MQA tracks (thanks for pointing out the download website), put them into my NAS/DLNA server and run it through Bubbleupnp - same issue where the track will sometimes stutter and when this happens the MQA light on my DAC will turn off and on again like it's loosing the MQA signal.
Ok, but by “local” I meant playing the sample MQA files from the uSD card or a USB thumb drive attached directly to the RPi. This would eliminate the NAS/UPNP server, the LAN, BubbleUPnP, and the UPNP renderer from the equation temporarily.
I've loaded the MQAs into the Pi's local microSD card - same results

Any advise for me to try/configure/dabble?