10-30-2021, 11:14 AM
(10-30-2021, 10:28 AM)the_bertrum Wrote: I have noticed that when streaming bluetooth to my Pi zero W (not the 2 version) that I will get "pauses" in the audio if the screen of the streaming device in on. This does not happen when the same device is streaming to my Pi4. Kill the display and the audio is stable. Perhaps something similar going on here? I can't fathom why it happens.
Good idea. Did the same now, including disable of the wired network, which is not there, on the Zero 2. The issue remains the same it seems.
On the Zero 1 W (if we can call it that way now) I've never had any issues because it was not connected to anything at all, except power of course.
The thing played almost non stop during spring and summer (not this year) on a solar panel and a very small ups board.
I do seriously notice the difference between the old 8GB card that was inside it and a newer 32GB one.