12-13-2021, 11:05 AM
Hi - advice needed. Hardware is Pi 4 - Allo Digione Signature - Allo Shanti PSU. I have been using PiCorePlayer with no issues but have read various articles saying Moode is superior sound quality. So I am now trying v7.6. I go through the setup - select Allo Digione Signature as output - then enable Squeezelite. I get the messege 'Squeezelite Renderer Enabled' , but it doesn't show as a renderer in LMS. Also, when I leave the Moode GUI and connect to it again, I get straight into it - should it be blocking the GUI if Squeezelite running OK. Tried UPnP, this appeared as a renderer in LMS straight away - but I get NO SOUND ! It seems I am missing something here - help please ! As I say, PiCorePlayer working fine