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In-place update from older versions
(11-26-2021, 08:30 PM)zOr7gA8 Wrote:
(11-26-2021, 05:11 PM)lascala_2a3 Wrote: I am still using 7.0, the version that I originally installed earlier this year. Can I use the in-place update procedure to go straight to 7.6, or will I need to do a new install? When I click View on the Update it says the update is to 7.1. I don't want to go through all the 7.x versions to get there, but neither do I want to go through the initial setup again. I'm not fluent in command line, but I will use it if necessary and I have detailed instructions. Can I click UPDATE and just sit back while it takes care of business?


I don't think you can go via update to version 7.6. Neither via user interface nor command line.

Also a fresh install is better every time. Do it maybe with 2nd sd-card. You won't regret it.
Config will surely take some time. But it will be fine.

Also you can export/import radio stations via user-interface.
And you can export/import config via ssh and command line.

Use following command in console:
moodeutl -e

Afterwards you need to copy the exported file 'moodecfg.ini' from sd-card. Maybe you can use winscp as windows user.

After installing the new system copy file 'moodecfg.ini' back to system. And use the following command to import config:
moodeutl -e

You will need to go through config afterwards because there are a lot of new preferences. But most of them can stay on default value.

Remember the process of improvement needs a little bit of work time to time ;-)

kind regards, Martin

I was not able to get the moodeutl -e flag to work. It's likely that my version is too old?

$ moodeutl -e
Usage: moodeutl [OPTION]
Moode utility programs

With no OPTION print the help text and exit.

-a        print features availability
-A [add|rm N]     update features availability
-d        dump session file (requires sudo)
-D [var name]     delete session variable (requires sudo)
-f        print supported audio formats
-F        print full alsacap info
-l        print moode log
-m        run system monitor
-q        query sql database
-r        restart servers
-s        print system info
-t        print last 10 lines of moode log and wait
-u        check radio station urls for playability
--version    print the program version
--help        print this help text

$ moodeutl --version

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RE: In-place update from older versions - by heman22 - 01-24-2022, 04:56 AM

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