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Solved: problem with bluetooth - pair but doesn't connect
The bluetooth config uses the class value below.

Class = 0x20041C
# 2  = Service Class: Audio
# 4  = Major Device Class Audio/Video
# 1C = Minor Device Class: Loudspeaker x14 & Headphones x18

You could try a mod to the bluetooth config.

Change ControllerMode from bredr to dual

ControllerMode = dual

Then in Audio Config restart Bluetooth and maybe also the pairing agent.

To run commands try the script that BlueZ Config uses.
pi@rp1:~ $ sudo /var/www/command/ -h
** BlueMoode version 1.5
** Usage: [OPTION]
** -i initialize/reset controller
** -s scan and trust devices
** -l list discovered devices
** -p list paired devices
** -c list connected devices
** -d disconnect device <MAC addr>
** -r remove paired device <MAC addr>
** -P pair with device <MAC addr>
** -C connect to device <MAC addr>
** -D disconnect all devices
** -R remove all pairings
** -h help
pi@rp1:~ $
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RE: problem with bluetooth - pair but doesn't connect - by Tim Curtis - 01-26-2022, 11:54 AM

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