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Problem: [7.6.1] Cannot play from SMB anymore
Sadly, the issue comes back even with new card. I'm not able to play anything from the moode web UI - it loads but nor SMB fiiles nor radio streams (that play just fine otherwise) ever play. Spotify and Airplay are fine.

Same thing in log as before

20220128 154806 moode.php: MPD connect failed: cmd=(play_item)
20220128 154833 command/index: Connection to MPD failed
20220128 154943 moode.php: MPD connect failed: cmd=(loadlib)
20220128 154944 moode.php: MPD connect failed: cmd=(lsinfo)
20220128 154949 moode.php: MPD connect failed: cmd=(play_item)
20220128 155038 moode.php: MPD connect failed: cmd=(loadlib)
20220128 155038 moode.php: MPD connect failed: cmd=(lsinfo)
20220128 155041 moode.php: MPD connect failed: cmd=(play_item)
20220128 155045 moode.php: MPD connect failed: cmd=(play_item)
20220128 155153 command/index: Connection to MPD failed
20220128 155245 worker: Job spotifysvc
20220128 155318 worker: Job spotifysvc
20220128 155544 command/index: Connection to MPD failed
20220128 161132 command/index: Connection to MPD failed
20220128 161134 command/index: Connection to MPD failed
All fine after reboot.

Please advise. Thanks.

Messages In This Thread
RE: [7.6.1] Cannot play from SMB anymore - by Stooovie - 01-28-2022, 02:50 PM

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