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Single Artist Album sorted as Various Artists in Album Cover view panel
Since there is no standard tag or method for designating a compilation album the Library loader performs whats called "compilation album rollup" when an Album is associated with multiple Artists. This prevents the album from appearing multiple times in the Library albums list (once for each different artist).

The rollup generates a virtual compilation album i.e, a single occurrence of the Album in the Library albums list. It also assigns the name "Various Artists" to the Album which appears in the Album cover panel.

What I do for compilation album tagging is set the AlbumArtist tag to "Various Artists" and then in Customize I set the Artist list ordering to "AlbumArtist". Then the Library Artist list will contain an entry named "Various Artists" which when clicked will display all the compilation albums. The name "Various Artists" will also be consistently displayed under the cover art and thumbnail. You could also use something like "Compilation" instead of "Various Artists" for setting the AlbumArtist tag.

For the case where there are multiple different albums with the same name for example "Christmas Songs", "Greatest Hits" etc., there is a SQL setting that can be updated which contains a comma separated list of album names to exclude from the compilation rollup. Its default value is "greatest hits" See below.

Display the list of excluded album names
sqlite3 /var/local/www/db/moode-sqlite3.db "select * from cfg_system where param='compilation_excludes'"

Update the list of excluded album names
sqlite3 /var/local/www/db/moode-sqlite3.db "update cfg_system set value='greatest hits,christmas songs,the singles' where param='compilation_excludes'"

Reboot after making changes to the sql table.

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RE: Single Artist Album sorted as Various Artists in Album Cover view panel - by Tim Curtis - 10-01-2018, 03:28 PM

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