03-22-2022, 07:43 AM
Hi there,
I can not figure out how to make only specific folder on USB storage to be scanned not whole usb.
I got errors:
So the USB source is (7b952e33-7045-4155-9865-e7962f56faa4), but MoOde scans the whole USB, but I want only a specific folder on USB. I tried config source but I can not see USB option only samba, UPnP, sdcard.
What I am doing wrong again?
I can not figure out how to make only specific folder on USB storage to be scanned not whole usb.
I got errors:
20220322 180530 worker: USB source (7b952e33-7045-4155-9865-e7962f56faa4)
20220322 180530 worker: NAS and UPnP sources (none configured)
20220322 180530 worker: --
20220322 180530 worker: -- Other
20220322 180530 worker: --
20220322 180530 worker: USB volume knob (Off)
20220322 180530 worker: USB auto-mounter (udisks-glue)
20220322 180530 worker: Saved MPD vol level (0)
20220322 180530 worker: Preamp volume level (0)
20220322 180531 worker: MPD volume level (75) restored
20220322 180531 worker: ALSA Rotel USB Audio 1.0 volume (94%)
20220322 180531 worker: Auto-play (Off)
20220322 180531 worker: Maintenance interval (120 minutes)
20220322 180531 worker: Screen saver activation (Never)
20220322 180531 worker: Session permissions (OK)
20220322 180532 worker: Watchdog started
20220322 180532 worker: Ready
20220322 182202 worker: Job sourcecfg
20220322 182204 sourceMount(): Mount error: (mount error: could not resolve address for NAS: Unknown error)
20220322 182731 worker: Job sourcecfg
20220322 182737 watchdog: Info: Reducing PHP fpm worker pool
20220322 182825 worker: Job sourcecfg
20220322 182827 sourceMount(): Mount error: (mount error: could not resolve address for media: Unknown error)
So the USB source is (7b952e33-7045-4155-9865-e7962f56faa4), but MoOde scans the whole USB, but I want only a specific folder on USB. I tried config source but I can not see USB option only samba, UPnP, sdcard.
What I am doing wrong again?