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Best development environment for Moode?
Correct. The IDE I use on the Mac is Atom editor plus GitHub Desktop. Its easier to do code editing, Gulp builds and Git tasks on my iMac because I also use it for everything else (mail, messaging, browsing, image editing, etc...). Other dev's are using VS Code IDE and command line Git on Windows.

The task that has to be done on a Pi, actually two Pi's, one 32-bit and the other 64-bit RaspiOS, is to generate the 32-bit and 64-bit release ISO images. These Pi's should be 3B+ or 4B and the image gen's will take around 1 hour. Also Debian package builds and uploads to Cloudsmith repo are done on a Pi.
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RE: Best development environment for Moode? - by Tim Curtis - 05-21-2022, 10:58 AM

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