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Hello from the United States
(06-21-2022, 07:23 AM)the_bertrum Wrote: Welcome Spacebar.  Is your handle as in "keyboard" or somewhere to get cocktails on the ISS?

Haha, good question. When I was in high school, every student was given a Macbook Air. This was right when computers/iPads to students were first becoming a thing, and my school didn't have the best digital security. I, of course, decided to download Steam and install CS:GO. 

Now playing a FPS game with a trackpad proved to be incredibly difficult. One day I decided to switch the primary fire button to the spacebar instead of mouse 1. That made it significantly easier and I was actually quite good. I don't know if you know anything about CS:GO, but I was capable of flick shotting lol. Anyway, I decided to make my username Spacebar on a lot of stuff because I thought it sounded cool and I had a story behind it. 

So, to answer your question, yes to keyboard, no to ISS Big Grin.

Messages In This Thread
Hello from the United States - by Spacebar - 06-20-2022, 08:35 PM
RE: Hello from the United States - by the_bertrum - 06-21-2022, 07:23 AM
RE: Hello from the United States - by Spacebar - 06-21-2022, 03:19 PM
RE: Hello from the United States - by the_bertrum - 06-22-2022, 07:41 AM

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