06-24-2022, 09:08 PM
(05-25-2022, 08:35 PM)kuduacz Wrote: For now i have no issue for 8 hours too. but i nothing changed from last disappear of file. So strange.
I'am pretty shure that is something on home assistant side but cant catch what. Still looking for reason.
Maybe you just rebooted the system...
Anyway, an api to retrieve the file, or a JSON (better choice IMO) is easy to implement, if I do not forget about it during the w/e (I'll be hiking away, no PC) I'll take care of implementing it for you to test. I'll tell you exactly what to do once tested on my side.
Just tell me if a JSON object would be as easy to be parsed by the HA as the file itself. It could look something like the following (cannot remember what's in it right now, and my moOde is off)
audio: BT / Airplay / whatsoever
source: song title / radio URL (if cannot retrieve its name)
status: PLAY / STOP / PAUSE
Cheers, A.