08-09-2022, 09:01 PM
You would prolly need to create a new PHP script modeled after /var/www/util/restart-renderers.php. The new script would only have functions for starting and stopping Bluetooth. When stopping Bluetooth the last command needs to be like below so MPD/ALSA volume level is restored otherwise ALSA volume will be left at 0dB :-0
sysCmd('/var/www/vol.sh -restore');
Wouldn't it be easier to just bring up the Web UI on your Phone and turn Bluetooth On/Off? You can save the Audio Config page as a bookmark to reduce navigation.
sysCmd('/var/www/vol.sh -restore');
Wouldn't it be easier to just bring up the Web UI on your Phone and turn Bluetooth On/Off? You can save the Audio Config page as a bookmark to reduce navigation.