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System Info
Not sure I could dedicate a main menu slot for System info but below is a short script to print the items. It's based on the code in the main sysinfo script. Use the nano editor and paste the text into a file in the pi home directory for example and then make it executable with the command sudo chmod +x

TEMP=`awk '{printf "%3.1fC\n", $1/1000}' /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp`

THROTTLED_BITMASK=`vcgencmd get_throttled | cut -d"=" -f2`
if [[ $THROTTLED_BITMASK == "0x0" ]]; then THROTTLED_TEXT="No throttling has occurred"; fi
if (( ($THROTTLED_BITMASK & 0x1) )); then THROTTLED_TEXT="Under-voltage detected, "; fi
if (( ($THROTTLED_BITMASK & 0x2) )); then THROTTLED_TEXT=$THROTTLED_TEXT"Arm frequency capped, "; fi
if (( ($THROTTLED_BITMASK & 0x4) )); then THROTTLED_TEXT=$THROTTLED_TEXT"Currently throttled, "; fi
if (( ($THROTTLED_BITMASK & 0x8) )); then THROTTLED_TEXT=$THROTTLED_TEXT"Soft temperature limit active, "; fi
if (( ($THROTTLED_BITMASK & 0x10000) )); then THROTTLED_TEXT=$THROTTLED_TEXT"Under-voltage has occurred, "; fi
if (( ($THROTTLED_BITMASK & 0x20000) )); then THROTTLED_TEXT=$THROTTLED_TEXT"Arm frequency capping has occurred, "; fi
if (( ($THROTTLED_BITMASK & 0x40000) )); then THROTTLED_TEXT=$THROTTLED_TEXT"Throttling has occurred, "; fi
if (( ($THROTTLED_BITMASK & 0x80000) )); then THROTTLED_TEXT=$THROTTLED_TEXT"Soft temperature limit has occurred"; fi

UPTIME="$(uptime -p)"

echo Temp $TEMP
echo $UPTIME

pi@moode:~ $ ./
Temp 52.1C
No throttling has occurred
up 1 day, 32 minutes

moOde startup log
moodeutl -l
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Messages In This Thread
System Info - by Geojanitor - 08-23-2022, 05:37 PM
RE: System Info - by Tim Curtis - 08-23-2022, 06:50 PM
RE: System Info - by Geojanitor - 08-23-2022, 08:18 PM
RE: System Info - by Tim Curtis - 08-23-2022, 09:56 PM
RE: System Info - by Geojanitor - 08-24-2022, 04:15 PM

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