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Upcoming moOde 8.2.0 release (Q3)
Here are draft release notes.

Recent adds include a prefs option for Playlist one-touch action and improved detection/extraction of FLAC cover art compliments of Git user @yn386

# 2022-MM-DD TC moOde 8.2.0

New features

- NEW: File sharing via NFS server or SMB server
- NEW: Access Point (AP) Router mode
- NEW: Automatic check for available software update


- UPD: Bump to Linux kernel 5.15.56 build #1575
- UPD: Bump to librespot 0.4.2
- UPD: Bump camillagui to 1.0.0 rc4
- UPD: Bump camilla-backend to 1.0.0 rc5
- UPD: Bump alsa-cdsp to 1.1.0
- UPD: Add -N Detect NFS hosts to moodeutl
- UPD: Add prefs option for Native lazyloading
- UPD: Add prefs option for Playlist one-touch action
- UPD: Add librespot AP fallback workaround to launch params
- UPD: Remove unused Flat UI icons
- UPD: Use default thumbnail image when thumbnail can't be created
- UPD: Provide a default Playlist cover if no cover image is set
- UPD: Increase size of help text on configuration screens
- UPD: Improve in-place update process
- UPD: Improve detection/extraction of FLAC embedded cover art

Radio stations

- NEW: Soma FM - The Dark Zone

Bug fixes

- FIX: Empty tags cause just the bullet to be displayed under the cover art
- FIX: Folder view "Update individual folder" broken due to bad variable name
- FIX: Queue move item(s) broken due to bad variable name
- FIX: Wlan0 IP address check occuring twice during startup in certain scenarios
- FIX: SSID's from scan list not being escaped in Network Config
- FIX: System Config WiFi/BT On/Off buttons not showing for Zero 2 W
- FIX: Alsa-cdsp XRUNS in certain usage scenarios affecting CamillaDSP
- FIX: Camilla pipeline editor "Show log file" causes 500 Internal Server Error
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Messages In This Thread
Upcoming moOde 8.2.0 release (Q3) - by Tim Curtis - 07-26-2022, 10:48 PM
RE: Upcoming moOde 8.2.0 release (Q3) - by Nutul - 07-27-2022, 12:19 AM
RE: Upcoming moOde 8.2.0 release (Q3) - by Mattt - 08-01-2022, 07:08 PM
RE: Upcoming moOde 8.2.0 release (Q3) - by Hydra - 08-05-2022, 08:42 AM
RE: Upcoming moOde 8.2.0 release (Q3) - by Tim Curtis - 08-29-2022, 11:39 PM

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