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Upcoming moOde 8.2.0 release (Q3)
Here are updated draft release notes.

There is a bump to Linux kernel 5.15.61 and a new CoverView clock mode feature. CoverView itself has been improved so  that timed activation will not occur if MPD is playing. 


The next few weeks will be devoted to testing the images and the in-place update with the goal of shipping 8.2.0 before the end of the month :-)

# 2022-MM-DD TC moOde 8.2.0

New features

- NEW: File sharing via NFS server or SMB server
- NEW: Access Point (AP) Router mode
- NEW: Automatic check for available software update
- NEW: CoverView clock mode


- UPD: Bump to Linux kernel 5.15.61 build #1579
- UPD: Bump to librespot 0.4.2
- UPD: Bump camillagui to 1.0.0 rc4
- UPD: Bump camilla-backend to 1.0.0 rc5
- UPD: Bump alsa-cdsp to 1.2.0
- UPD: Add -N Detect NFS hosts to moodeutl
- UPD: Add prefs option for Native lazyloading
- UPD: Add prefs option for Playlist one-touch action
- UPD: Add librespot AP fallback workaround to launch params
- UPD: Remove unused Flat UI icons
- UPD: Use default thumbnail image when thumbnail can't be created
- UPD: Provide a default Playlist cover if no cover image is set
- UPD: Increase size of help text on configuration screens
- UPD: Improve in-place update process
- UPD: Improve detection/extraction of FLAC embedded cover art

Radio stations

- NEW: Soma FM - The Dark Zone

Bug fixes

- FIX: Empty tags cause just the bullet to be displayed under the cover art
- FIX: Folder view "Update individual folder" broken due to bad variable name
- FIX: Queue move item(s) broken due to bad variable name
- FIX: Wlan0 IP address check occuring twice during startup in certain scenarios
- FIX: SSID's from scan list not being escaped in Network Config
- FIX: System Config WiFi/BT On/Off buttons not showing for Zero 2 W
- FIX: Alsa-cdsp XRUNS in certain usage scenarios affecting CamillaDSP
- FIX: Camilla pipeline editor "Show log file" causes 500 Internal Server Error
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Messages In This Thread
Upcoming moOde 8.2.0 release (Q3) - by Tim Curtis - 07-26-2022, 10:48 PM
RE: Upcoming moOde 8.2.0 release (Q3) - by Nutul - 07-27-2022, 12:19 AM
RE: Upcoming moOde 8.2.0 release (Q3) - by Mattt - 08-01-2022, 07:08 PM
RE: Upcoming moOde 8.2.0 release (Q3) - by Hydra - 08-05-2022, 08:42 AM
RE: Upcoming moOde 8.2.0 release (Q3) - by Tim Curtis - 09-05-2022, 12:44 PM

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