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Can Library be switched from sort by 'Album Artist' to sort by 'Artist' only?
I've installed 8.1.2 and it's nice, except, it seems in Preferences > Library, the Tagview Sort Order by Artist is the "Album Artist" tag you'd see in an ID3 tag editor like MP3Tag. So what's happened is that the new sorting features in Moode 8.1.2 don't address the question I'm asking.  

In a tag editor like MP3Tag or when you rip a CD in EAC and define the tags you want, you'll see two 'Artist' tags available: 

1) Artist 
2) Album Artist 

It seems the 'Artist' tag in Moode > Preferences > Library is what MP3tag shows as the 'Album Artist' tag. 

In MP3tag, there are different fields for the 'Artist' and 'Album Artist' tags:

In the Moode > Preferences > Library (Advanced), I see you can switch 'Tag view artist' between 'Artist' and 'Album Artist'. I tried both and my Library album/artist sorting did not change. It always shows the contents of the 'Album Artist' tag in the 'ARTISTS' column in Library > Tag view. 

In the Artists column in my Library 'Tag' view, in the Genre = Classical, the 'Artists' are a mix of performers like Alfred Brendel and Artur Rubinstein, with one composer showing in the list, J.S. Bach. 

However my classical music collection is organized with the tags set to 

Artist = composer name 
Album Artist = performer(s) name(s)
Album = album title, which may not contain the name of the composer (e.g., "Symphony No. 3 in E minor, Op. 17")

The way Moode is working now (and ever since version 6.x.x), tracks are tagged by 'Album Artist', not 'Artist', whereas before (Moode up to version 5.x.x) tracks were tagged by 'Artist' and not 'Album Artist'. That's fine, except that I've been using Moode since version 2-something, and have my whole collection organized so that I can sort by composer name > album, not performer name > album. The problem is that in Moode I have no choice on how to sort these tracks. It only identifies the artist by 'Album Artist', and I can't see how to switch it to identify the artist from the plain 'Artist' tag.

I understand Volumio has a switch where you can sort your albums by 'Artist' or 'Album Artist', which would solve my problem. I haven't tried it yet, and I really don't know if that will actually work like I hope it will. However, I do know that Moode 5.3.1 does work the way I want it to, so if all else fails I'll just hang back with that. 

So the question remains... 

Can Moode 8.1.2 be switched so that tracks are sorted by the 'Artist' tag, and *not* the 'Album Artist' tag? 

I wish I could post screenshots, but I get an error that the message is over the 65535 character limit by many thousands of characters. So I have to resort to hyperlinks and text to try to explain the problem. 

I hope I explained it well enough for you to understand what the issue is, and I also hope there's some kind of workaround. 

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Can Library be switched from sort by 'Album Artist' to sort by 'Artist' only? - by rongon - 09-13-2022, 04:14 AM

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