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Can Library be switched from sort by 'Album Artist' to sort by 'Artist' only?
Thanks for explaining the MP3Tag error. That makes sense. Perhaps that is why Moode 8.1.2 isn't able to switch between sorting by Artist and sorting by AlbumArtist on my files. It can't access the tags because the FLAC file's header is incorrect, so it always goes to its default sort-by-AlbumArtist, no matter what it's set to in Library(Advanced). ???

Now the problem is how to fix it... Is there an tag editor you know of that does not make these kinds of errors? At this point I might as well pay for one, if that's what I have to do to make my library work correctly. 

I'm having a 'legacy code' problem, it seems. When I first started using Moode Player, several years ago, its default sorting behavior was by the 'Artist' tag (not the 'AlbumArtist' tag). For the old version of Moode (up to 5.3.1), I took my entire collection of FLAC files and sorted it by 'Artist' tag (for classical albums, Artist = composer, for jazz albums, Artist = bandleader's name, leaving the AlbumArtist tag to list the names of the musicians in the group, or the names of the orchestra and soloists playing). 

When I updated to Moode 6.x.x., I noticed that my Artist list had exploded into a giant list of random composers and performing artists, with no pattern to it. I figured out that Moode no longer sorted the Library > Artist column by 'Artist'; it now sorted by 'AlbumArtist'. My John Coltrane albums were now split up into multiple 'Artists' from 'The John Coltrane Quartet' to 'John Coltrane (ts), Erich Dolphy (as), McCoy Tyner (pno), Jimmy Garrison (bs), Reggie Workman (bs), Elvin Jones (ds)' to just plain 'John Coltrane'. In Moode 5.3.1 they were all listed under 'John Coltrane', but now they were shown with all these different Artist listings. 

Must I really go through all 850GB of my digital music files and re-tag all of them? I promise you, that's gonna hurt. If I really must do that, I'll want to do it right, just once

Is there an accurate tagger I should use? Heck, if I have to pay for it, I'll do it. 


To rip that Bach CD, I think I used EAC with it shelling out to flac.exe to compress the ripped WAV files to FLAC. Could the incorrect header have been inserted then? Or did MP3Tag do that?

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RE: Can Library be switched from sort by 'Album Artist' to sort by 'Artist' only? - by rongon - 09-14-2022, 03:18 AM

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