(09-14-2022, 07:32 AM)the_bertrum Wrote: I find that MP3TAG is actually pretty good at correcting situations where the wrong type of tag has been used. It won't tell you your FLAC has ID3, but if you open such a file, then cut all the tags (ctrl+x) and then paste them back (ctrl+p) it will put it all back correctly. ID3 tags become properly formatted for FLAC.
The way you have tagged for Artist and Album Artist happens to be the exact opposite of how I've done it, and I'm sorry to report that my way will I think get you what you want in moOde. I tag each track with the "full name" of the artist who performed it, and then use the general over-arching artist name in the Album Artist column. So You'd have "John Coltrane Quartet" in Artist, and "John Coltrane" in Album Artist. Then you sort by Album Artist and I think you'll see it how you want. This method works for me on many scenarios, from Complications (Album Artist = Various), to samplers from Record Labels (Album Artist = Record Label), to Band Leader situations such as yours (Album Artist = Band Leader)
Perhaps try to manually tag a couple that way (on copies for safety) to see if it works for you. Then what to do about the rest if it does? There's a paid for utility called BLISS (blisshq.com) which can examine your collection and then re-tag it based on rules that you specify. It tidied up my collection a few years ago (then messed it all up again when I changed a rule in an unfortunate way and didn't test it properly (then tidied it again after)). That might do the heavy lifting for you.
Yes, I know what you're suggesting will work perfectly fine.
The only problem is that I will need to go back and rewrite the tags on nearly 1TB worth of music files. What a chore!
And please understand, the only reason I have the tags the way I do is because that is what worked in Moode before version 6 (I'm using 5.3.1).
That changed, and now I need to re-do the tagging of my entire music library.
Does that make sense?
PS - If you look at the Joined: field in our member boxes (to the left of our messages) you'll see that Kent and I joined this forum in April 2018, one month after Tim created it in March 2018. I've been using Moode since before then, when its support forum was on diyAudio. I'm an early adopter, you see, and a happy Moode user for about 5 years.