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Can Library be switched from sort by 'Album Artist' to sort by 'Artist' only?
(09-14-2022, 10:24 PM)Tim Curtis Wrote: Adding an "Artist (Strict)" option which was mentioned in a previous post is actually a trivial amount of code but it couldn't be considered until after 8.2.0 ships this month cos getting the release admin and testing done is where all the time and effort is directed ATM.

A. Understood that the commonly accepted tagging format is [ 'AlbumArtist' = the name of the artist ] and secondarily one can use the 'Artist (Strict)' as the name of the artist(s) performing each track. In other words, the way you organized the tags for the Lee Ritenour album "6 String Theory". 

B. As noted previously, my tag formatting is a holdover from using Moode 5.3.1 and earlier (which works 100% fine the way I have the tags now). 

After Moode was changed to conform to point (A.) above, I now have to make a choice between:

1. Re-tagging my entire music collection to 'AlbumArtist' = the name of the artist, or
2. Waiting for an 'Artist (Strict)' option to be added to Moode in 8.2.1 or later. 

I think my best bet will be to start the process of re-tagging my collection. 
Perhaps the 'Artist (Strict)' option would be a nice thing for the community to have available as a choice in future versions. 

Can you share what you use to tag your music files (FLAC, MP3, APE, DSF, ALAC, AIFC, WMA, etc.)? 



I've attached a JPEG showing the Options screens from Mp3tag. 

As you can see, there is no option to tag a file header as FLAC. The only choices are ID3v1, ID3v2 or APE. 

I understand FLAC evolved from APE. 
- Should FLAC files have the APE header and not the ID3v2 header? Or am I misunderstanding all this? 
- Does the above mean Mp3tag should not be used to tag files for use with Moode, and I should look for a different tag editor? 


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RE: Can Library be switched from sort by 'Album Artist' to sort by 'Artist' only? - by rongon - 09-15-2022, 12:06 AM

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