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Can Library be switched from sort by 'Album Artist' to sort by 'Artist' only?
(09-15-2022, 12:34 AM)rongon Wrote: All I want to do is have a music box that plays my music. 
I never wanted to have to re-tag my entire collection. 
I never wanted to take a deep dive down a music file metadata rabbit hole. 
But here I am. 

Is that lyrics from the classic Blues song "Since my collection went digital" by the EmPee Trio?

I'm sorry that the reworking of how moOde reads tags has broken your scheme. There is no right way to tag, but there is also no way that one system can accommodate all the different schemes that people come up with. However, if the Artist (strict) proposal does address your issue, that would make moOde by far the king of all system that I know of in it's ability to be flexible with tagging schemes. To be fair, it already holds that title in my opinion. Artist (strict) would also add another layer of usefulness to schemes that already work (for example, I'm not interested in seeing composes in the Artist list). Can you bear to hold off re-tagging until that option can be added?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Can Library be switched from sort by 'Album Artist' to sort by 'Artist' only? - by the_bertrum - 09-15-2022, 07:21 AM

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