10-07-2022, 07:53 PM
(10-07-2022, 06:06 PM)TheOldPresbyope Wrote: @Phosphoric
Hi, Ray.
It sure feels like you are trying to do things the hard way.
We're talking "bog standard" SMB protocol here. Linux and other O/Ses I use deal with it as a matter of course. They often refer to the SMB shares as "Windows shares" although IBM invented the technology for OS/2.
I used Linux Mint in my previous replies to show this is true for the OS you use but it could have been some other OS instead. I'll stick to it for this reply as well.
The GUI-based file managers in the various LM desktop environments have no trouble mounting moOde's SMB shares without resort to special gimmickry such as using "Network/Connect" or sftp. I used the Caja file manager in the MATE desktop before but in the following I'll use the Nemo file manager in the Cinnamon desktop.
Here's an example where I want to work with a moOde 8.2.0 player named m82pirate ('cuz it has a Pirate Audio DAC Hat) which has an attached USB thumbdrive containing a single VFAT partition with the partition label RALLY8GB.
First, let's ask the file manager to look at my LAN (e.g., "Network"). What I see on the screen is the window I've captured here. It shows my usual hodgepodge of hosts (aside: host omv-hc1 is an Odroid HC1 running Open Media Vault and offering several services).
Now I double-click on the m82pirate icon. As you can see, the resulting window shows moOde's customary built-in shares plus my USB thumbdrive.
Continuing, I double-click on the SMB share named "RALLY8GB". I get a popup saying a password is required. It's here that I tell the file manager to connect as a registered user and enter the moOde player's username pi/password <whatever I've set it to be>.
Now I have the traditional file manager view of icons for the first-tier directories (folders, if you will) on the thumbdrive. I didn't bother to capture a screenshot here.
Finally, I drilled down to the directory named "Test" which I'd previously created on this drive. As you can see, I just now created a new file for fun in this directory named "New file for Phosphoric.txt" simply by right-clicking in the windows and selecting "create a new document/empty document" from the menu.
To borrow a phrase from an amateur-magician friend, "at no times did my fingers leave my hands."![]()
Hope this helps.
PS - if the same isn't true for you, we'll next have to dive into the nitty gritty of your system.
Hi Kent, how grateful I am that you have spent so much time on such a poor student. I really do appreciate it.
You've given me a brilliant and time consuming tutorial on how to achieve access to my music files......sadly, yet again , my system has failed at the first hurdle.
I'll try to add screenshots like you.
....... Well, i took some screenshots of the difference between mo0de 8.20 and mo0de 7.61 but they appear to be too large to post.
How do you do that?
Basically I get the same as your first screenshot. When I double click on my MOODE icon (like your m82pirate) I get an error message:
"Unable to mount location. Failed to retieve share list: Invalid argument"
Then I put mo0de 7.61 back in my pi and did the same thing and this time the I was able to follow through exactly as you showed with your example.
I can also do the same thing with my RPI based NAS and two other Linux based PCs to access and execute fully.
It's just mo0de 8.20 that won't cooperate. I can't get by the first error message.
Unfortunately you are not able to recreate the same problem so it's very hard to suggest a fix.
Incidentally, I also tried loading up a live CD Mint 20.0, absolutely clean, and got the same access problem.
My network is a mesh system of 3 x Deco M5 with one of the units running in router mode, just in case that's odd. Thing is , I keep coming back to all the other Linux based units, including mo0de7.61, work OK.