(10-11-2022, 03:08 PM)TheOldPresbyope Wrote: It's a miracle that this works at all. Apple has kept the Airplay protocol more secret than <snarky political comment deleted >.<sarcasm>
OTOH, my Apple iPad (iPadOS 15.7) and iPhone SE (iOS 15.7) both happily connect to shairport-sync, whether the version in moOde 8.2.0 (v4.1-dev-600-g97fa75e8 built for Airplay 2) or the older version in moOde 7.6.1 (Airplay 1 only).
I just love when somebody thinks out a new transport layer incapsulated in an already tested and reliable transport layer. It's amazing how the human mind doesn't stop thinking and inventing. The hot water. Again and again.
Cheers, Al.