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Interruptions with AirPlay on moOde 8.2.1

I said I had nothing more but like a chess kibbitzer I can't resist one last comment.

You said
Quote:Well, if the shairport-sync port of AirPlay2 works flawlessly on moOde with any native Apple device but not with Android ones as it seems to be the case, I come to conclusion that the reverse engineering of AirPlay2 is not fully operational yet and will hopefully improve in future releases.

My conclusion is somewhat different.
  • Apple developed and has never published the proprietary protocol stack collectively known as AirPlay2.
  • Apple implements their protocols in the iOS devices I test with---iPhoneSE and iPad.
  • shairport-sync works as a (multi-room) receiver against these devices as senders.
  • conclusion: the protocol requests shairport-sync is making against these senders are acceptable and handled
What this suggests to me is that whatever changes to shairport-sync are in store, they may not "fix" the AirMusic app-as-sender issue. As Martin said in his original detailed response, a particular shairport-sync request appears to be triggering something he hasn't implemented (but which Apple apparently has, at least in its iOS implementations).

In any case, it isn't an issue with Android per se. Unsurprisingly, Google has no interest in playing fair with Apple. They want us to use Chromecast, not AirPlay. Don't bother to ask for FOSS code to implement a Chromecast receiver.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Interruptions with AirPlay on moOde 8.2.1 - by TheOldPresbyope - 10-21-2022, 03:16 PM

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