10-29-2022, 12:46 AM
I didn't make it clear about Bluetooth, my bad, sorry.
PeppyMeter can be triggered when Bluetooth is activating, but the needles don't move, it seems to me that audio signal doesn't go thru pepppyalsa and direct output to sound card.
I've check the ALSA congratulations in mpd.php, both ALSA_default and ALSA_bluetooh are configured to be the same output:
$data .= "device \"_audioout\"\n";
But mixer_type is not the same, ALSA_default is hardware, and ALSA_bluetooth is software, maybe this is the issue ?
// ALSA default
// NOTE: Chain is MPD -> [_audioout || MPD_DSP -> _audioout] -> [[plughw || hw]|| ALSA_DSP -> [plughw || hw]] -> audio device
$data .= "audio_output {\n";
$data .= "type \"alsa\"\n";
$data .= "name \"" . ALSA_DEFAULT . "\"\n";
$data .= "device \"_audioout\"\n";
$data .= "mixer_type \"" . $mixerType . "\"\n";
$data .= $mixerType == 'hardware' ? "mixer_control \"" . $_SESSION['amixname'] . "\"\n" . "mixer_device \"hw:" . $cardNum . "\"\n" . "mixer_index \"0\"\n" : '';
$data .= "dop \"" . $dop . "\"\n";
$data .= "stop_dsd_silence \"" . $stopDsdSilence . "\"\n";
$data .= "thesycon_dsd_workaround \"" . $thesyconDsdWorkaround . "\"\n";
$data .= "}\n\n";
// ALSA bluetooth
$data .= "audio_output {\n";
$data .= "type \"alsa\"\n";
$data .= "name \"" . ALSA_BLUETOOTH . "\"\n";
//$data .= "device \"btstream\"\n";
$data .= "device \"_audioout\"\n";
$data .= "mixer_type \"software\"\n";
$data .= "}\n\n";
PeppyMeter can be triggered when Bluetooth is activating, but the needles don't move, it seems to me that audio signal doesn't go thru pepppyalsa and direct output to sound card.
I've check the ALSA congratulations in mpd.php, both ALSA_default and ALSA_bluetooh are configured to be the same output:
$data .= "device \"_audioout\"\n";
But mixer_type is not the same, ALSA_default is hardware, and ALSA_bluetooth is software, maybe this is the issue ?
// ALSA default
// NOTE: Chain is MPD -> [_audioout || MPD_DSP -> _audioout] -> [[plughw || hw]|| ALSA_DSP -> [plughw || hw]] -> audio device
$data .= "audio_output {\n";
$data .= "type \"alsa\"\n";
$data .= "name \"" . ALSA_DEFAULT . "\"\n";
$data .= "device \"_audioout\"\n";
$data .= "mixer_type \"" . $mixerType . "\"\n";
$data .= $mixerType == 'hardware' ? "mixer_control \"" . $_SESSION['amixname'] . "\"\n" . "mixer_device \"hw:" . $cardNum . "\"\n" . "mixer_index \"0\"\n" : '';
$data .= "dop \"" . $dop . "\"\n";
$data .= "stop_dsd_silence \"" . $stopDsdSilence . "\"\n";
$data .= "thesycon_dsd_workaround \"" . $thesyconDsdWorkaround . "\"\n";
$data .= "}\n\n";
// ALSA bluetooth
$data .= "audio_output {\n";
$data .= "type \"alsa\"\n";
$data .= "name \"" . ALSA_BLUETOOTH . "\"\n";
//$data .= "device \"btstream\"\n";
$data .= "device \"_audioout\"\n";
$data .= "mixer_type \"software\"\n";
$data .= "}\n\n";