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Idea: Spotify mixer options
When librespot gets a connection from a Spotify client the script /var/local/www/commandw/ is executed and will set ALSA volume to 100% (0dB) if the audio device supports hardware volume. This is done because --softvol is used as the mixer. Then IIRC the Spotify client volume will be reset to the value specified in --initial-volume. Then playback will begin.

When --mixer is set to alsa there is a risk due to the way the current script is coded that the device will be left at 100% volume if the --initial-volume setting fails to work. To correctly handle librespot using hardware volume the script would first need to check the mixer type and if set to "alsa" then ALSA volume would first be set to 0%.

What you should see in alsamixer on your end with librespot using hardware volume is that it first gets set to 100% then reset to --initial-volume.
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Messages In This Thread
Spotify mixer options - by franktw956 - 11-03-2022, 04:19 AM
RE: Spotify mixer options - by Tim Curtis - 11-03-2022, 11:10 AM
RE: Spotify mixer options - by franktw956 - 11-03-2022, 11:27 AM
RE: Spotify mixer options - by Tim Curtis - 11-03-2022, 11:53 AM
RE: Spotify mixer options - by franktw956 - 11-03-2022, 12:12 PM

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