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Solved: Debugging/debouncing GPIO buttons... (false triggers)
(11-16-2022, 03:50 PM)challenge Wrote: Thank you all for the help, each of your replies were helpful in its own way.
I've set each button to echo its own pin number in moode settings, turned off the gpio handler and ran the script manually in cli.
That actually works and what I've got is that it's not a single one triggering, but the whole lot, randomly. Having them echoing their name made things crystal clear.

It did seem it was only the toggle acting up because of the way the buttons were setup. 
eg. one was loading the same playlist already loaded, then it was doing next-prev VERY fast, and then the toggle. Even the toggle sometimes was double-triple  pressed very fast, too much for the web ui.

Long story short: the "long/loose-unshielded-buttons-test-wires" are working like antennas and picking the electrical spikes from nearby amps/powerstrip and false triggering the GPIOs.
I'm talking about the spikes when turning on/off stuff, since the amps are literally under the raspberry or close by...
It's just that, really.
if I move the raspberry a few meters away from the amps it's ok. But I want to put it exactly there, so will have to tidy up a bit the spaghetti wires Big Grin

@TheOldPresbyope , yeah you're right. It's not my field, but I get it: no need to overcomplicate the software to hide bad things, when they're easy to fix in hw...
I had a read and found exactly what you wrote. Plenty of threads on raspberry and arduinos, thank you for the input.
Will read a bit about industry standards and do some tests on layout/shielding/filtering as soon as I decide the layout of things inside the hifi case.

I'm glad I was on the right path when I suggested it might the whole set of buttons get triggered... :-)

Also glad you figured out... nof fixing it might be all but trivial, but hey, at least you know WHAT.

Cheers, Al.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Debugging/debouncing GPIO buttons... (false triggers) - by Nutul - 11-16-2022, 05:33 PM

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