01-15-2023, 12:29 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-15-2023, 12:30 PM by Tim Curtis.)
There is no built in audio capture feature in moOde so I can't speak to that flow but wrt to the default MPD audio flow with no DSP or Loopback it looks like below.
MPD -> ALSA COPY -> plughw or hw -> device
This flow is implemented in the file below.
If you want to bypass the ALSA COPY part for testing then manually edit /etc/mpd.conf and set device to ""plughw:N,0" or "hw:N,0" where N is the card number of your output device then restart MPD via systemd.
Note: Don't make any changes to MPD ir ALSA settings in the WebUI because they will overwrite manual changes to mpd.conf.
MPD -> ALSA COPY -> plughw or hw -> device
This flow is implemented in the file below.
If you want to bypass the ALSA COPY part for testing then manually edit /etc/mpd.conf and set device to ""plughw:N,0" or "hw:N,0" where N is the card number of your output device then restart MPD via systemd.
# mpd.conf
audio_output {
type "alsa"
name "ALSA Default"
device "_audioout"
mixer_type "hardware"
mixer_control "Digital"
mixer_device "hw:0"
mixer_index "0"
dop "no"
stop_dsd_silence "no"
thesycon_dsd_workaround "no"
# Restart
sudo systemctl restart mpd
Note: Don't make any changes to MPD ir ALSA settings in the WebUI because they will overwrite manual changes to mpd.conf.