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Problem: Latency reduction when using audio/video player as input

thanks, but no success with suggested test.
Changed also _audioout.conf to change "copy" plug to "empty" with no more success (I guess it is equivalent to suggested change also).
Tried also commenting bluetooth and http outputs from mpd.conf, and it does not change anything.

Now I put back everything as its original values, and I tried to play directly with alsa the spdif input from alsa, command :
sudo arecord -Dspdifinput -traw -c2 -fS32_LE -r48000 | aplay -D_audioout -traw -c2 -fS32_LE -r48000

And this way I get a near perfect sync with video, without any other intermediate software (but some overruns print, need to tune buffer periods I guess).
So the latency might comes from MPD, what do you think?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Latency reduction when using audio/video player as input - by jiemdev - 01-15-2023, 02:58 PM

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