02-06-2023, 10:30 PM
(02-06-2023, 10:17 PM)TheOldPresbyope Wrote: @steve4starUTF-8 option is set to No, but have toggled to Yes and still have empty thumb cache.
I'll reserve judgment about the thumbnails for a moment.
Looking at your first post I see
Code:20230206 201147 genLibraryUTF8Rep(): Error: file create failed: /var/local/www/libcache
A quick scan of the moOde codebase shows that error message gets generated in /var/www/inc/music-library.php
I'll leave this one for @Tim Curtis since I'm wackadoodle with php code. As I read the code-segment involved, I think the genLibraryUTF8Rep() function would be invoked only if the m>Preferences-->Advanced-->UTF8 character filter option is enabled but I failed to generate the error in a quick test.
I will re-install at the weekend and try and reproduce, rather than waste too much of everyone's time.