OK, not sure waht happened here, above I simply pasted a screenshot of this text:
pi@moody:~ $ moodeutl -a
1 HTTPS-Only mode
2 y AirPlay renderer
4 y DLNA server
8 Stream recorder
16 y Squeezelite renderer
32 y UPnP client for MPD
64 Require squashfs for software update
128 y RoonBridge renderer
256 y Local display
512 y Input source select
1024 UPnP volume sync
2048 y Spotify Connect renderer
4096 y GPIO button handler
8192 y Reserved for future use
16384 y Bluetooth renderer
32768 Developer tweaks
65536 y Multiroom audio
Listening with the latest moOde on a RPI zero w with a MiniBoss DAC PCM5122 32bit 384kHz and a Volt+ AMP on a pair of Monitor Audio Bronze 100 speakers.
pi@moody:~ $ moodeutl -m
CPU: 1.0 GHz, LOAD: 35% 47C | MEM: 63% used | DISK: 39% used, 4.1G free | PHP: 7 workers
pi@moody:~ $ moodeutl -m
CPU: 1.0 GHz, LOAD: 35% 47C | MEM: 63% used | DISK: 39% used, 4.1G free | PHP: 7 workers