02-15-2023, 10:02 AM
I do most of my listening from local files on my NAS with very little streaming. I find that my ears and equipment are not sufficient to allow me to distinguish between a 320 mp3 and a 16/44.1 FLAC, but I rip to FLAC these days anyway, because why throw information away? I only bother to re-rip something I have in 320 lossy if I get the disc out for some other reason though. Perhaps your well trained sound engineer ears will make that worthwhile in your case though .
As for downloading there are few options for "better than mp3", I use 7digital, but it isn't cheap. Often it is cheaper to buy the CD and rip it myself. I do this exclusively with older issues, buying them from second hand sites for even cheaper results. There are also site that claim to be "off-site backup" solutions where you indicate that you own a disc and they make a "pre-ripped" version of it available from their servers, the legality of this is questionable though.
As for downloading there are few options for "better than mp3", I use 7digital, but it isn't cheap. Often it is cheaper to buy the CD and rip it myself. I do this exclusively with older issues, buying them from second hand sites for even cheaper results. There are also site that claim to be "off-site backup" solutions where you indicate that you own a disc and they make a "pre-ripped" version of it available from their servers, the legality of this is questionable though.