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librespot (Spotify Connect) Failing With "NetworkUnreachable"
(02-21-2023, 05:41 PM)TheOldPresbyope Wrote: @chanthing 

Curious. Nothing similar happening here.

My test article: moOde 8.2.5 on a Pi4B with I2S HiFi Berry DAC+ Pro HAT driving a headphone amp connected to headphones. This player is connected to my LAN router/AP via WiFi.

I started the Spotify app on my iPad at 730AM and connected to the moOde player (via Spotify Connect built into the app, not via Bluetooth or ApplePlay). I've been listening to this setup on and off for 5 hours now. It continues to play tracks from the Spotify-curated playlists I selected and the moOde player continues to show up in the "Select a device" list in the Spotify app.

That "network is unreachable" message suggests something is happening elsewhere in your system and causing librespot to fail because of the services it depends on (apparently MDNS in this case). I could be wrong, of course, but unless I can repro your results I can't go any further.


Thanks very much for the reply. I'm trying now with ethernet rather than wifi. Your config is very similar to mine, so it's good to hear that it *should* work. I'll post any relevant findings here.

Messages In This Thread
RE: librespot (Spotify Connect) Failing With "NetworkUnreachable" - by chanthing - 02-21-2023, 06:16 PM

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