Sorry for not having been clearer.
I have different folders in the directory of my NAS (e.g. Baroque, Classical, Romanticism, etc.). And they appear on the Folder view in Library panel of the moOde WebUI as you say.
Inside these folders I have folders for each composer (e.g. J.S. Bach, A. Scarlatti, D. Scarlatti, etc.). If I add a new album on one of these folders, I click on it within Moode and choose "update this folder" from the pop-up menu that appears. Then only this folder is updated.
But for few months now, it happens often that the folder just updated disappears from the UI and its parent folder disappears too !
Only "Regenerate music database" fixes the problem.
I hope my explanations are more precise now. (and sorry for my English)
Sorry for not having been clearer.
I have different folders in the directory of my NAS (e.g. Baroque, Classical, Romanticism, etc.). And they appear on the Folder view in Library panel of the moOde WebUI as you say.
Inside these folders I have folders for each composer (e.g. J.S. Bach, A. Scarlatti, D. Scarlatti, etc.). If I add a new album on one of these folders, I click on it within Moode and choose "update this folder" from the pop-up menu that appears. Then only this folder is updated.
But for few months now, it happens often that the folder just updated disappears from the UI and its parent folder disappears too !
Only "Regenerate music database" fixes the problem.
I hope my explanations are more precise now. (and sorry for my English)