03-15-2023, 03:08 PM
I would like to let you know that I can now agree with you: the RPI zero is perfectly suited for moode. I can't tell you exactly what fixed my issues, but it was definitely one of these:
- tested a few different power supplies for the zero until I found one without any issues
- tested a few different SD cards (I was still working with the default one that my RPI zero was supplied with – obviously a very cheap one)
- turned off the onboard bluetooth
- tested a few different power supplies for the zero until I found one without any issues
- tested a few different SD cards (I was still working with the default one that my RPI zero was supplied with – obviously a very cheap one)
- turned off the onboard bluetooth
Listening with the latest moOde on a RPI zero w with a MiniBoss DAC PCM5122 32bit 384kHz and a Volt+ AMP on a pair of Monitor Audio Bronze 100 speakers.
pi@moody:~ $ moodeutl -m
CPU: 1.0 GHz, LOAD: 35% 47C | MEM: 63% used | DISK: 39% used, 4.1G free | PHP: 7 workers
pi@moody:~ $ moodeutl -m
CPU: 1.0 GHz, LOAD: 35% 47C | MEM: 63% used | DISK: 39% used, 4.1G free | PHP: 7 workers