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Problem: Can't use Spotify connect..
Thanks for the quick response! This is what I get:

When I do: pgrep -l librespot I get nothing.

pi@moode:~ $ aplay -L | grep -v ALSA | grep -w default


pi@moode:~ $ cat /var/log/moode.log
20181017 162430 worker: - Start
20181017 162430 worker: Successfully daemonized
20181017 162432 worker: Session loaded
20181017 162432 worker: Debug logging (off)
20181017 162432 worker: - Platform
20181017 162434 worker: Host (moode)
20181017 162434 worker: Hdwr (Pi-Zero W 512MB v1.1)
20181017 162434 worker: Arch (armv6l)
20181017 162434 worker: Rasp (9.4)
20181017 162434 worker: Kver (4.14.72+)
20181017 162434 worker: Ktyp (Standard)
20181017 162434 worker: Gov  (performance)
20181017 162434 worker: Rel  (Moode 4.3 2018-09-27)
20181017 162434 worker: Upd  (None)
20181017 162434 worker: MPD  (0.20.20)
20181017 162434 worker: USB boot not enabled yet
20181017 162434 worker: File system not expanded yet
20181017 162434 worker: HDMI port on
20181017 162435 worker: File check ok
20181017 162435 worker: - Network
20181017 162435 worker: eth0 does not exist
20181017 162435 worker: eth0 address not assigned
20181017 162436 worker: wlan0 exists
20181017 162436 worker: wifi country (NL)
20181017 162436 worker: wlan0 trying SSID (sociaalisolement)
20181017 162436 worker: wlan0 (
20181017 162436 worker: - Audio
20181017 162436 worker: ALSA outputs unmuted
20181017 162436 worker: ALSA card number (0)
20181017 162436 worker: Audio output (On-board audio device)
20181017 162436 worker: ALSA mixer name (Speaker)
20181017 162436 worker: MPD volume control (software)
20181017 162437 worker: Hdwr volume controller exists
20181017 162437 worker: - Services
20181017 162437 worker: Reset renderer active
20181017 162439 worker: MPD started
20181017 162439 worker: MPD scheduler policy (time-share)
20181017 162439 worker: Configure MPD outputs
20181017 162439 worker: MPD output 1 ALSA default (on)
20181017 162439 worker: MPD output 2 ALSA crossfeed (off)
20181017 162439 worker: MPD output 3 ALSA parametric eq (off)
20181017 162439 worker: MPD output 4 ALSA graphic eq (off)
20181017 162439 worker: MPD output 5 ALSA bluetooth (off)
20181017 162439 worker: MPD crossfade (off)
20181017 162439 worker: Airplay receiver started
20181017 162439 worker: Airplay volume mgt (auto)
20181017 162439 worker: Spotify receiver started
20181017 162439 worker: Bluetooth controller started
20181017 162919 worker: Bluetooth controller initialized
20181017 162919 worker: - Music sources
20181017 162919 worker: USB sources (none attached)
20181017 162919 worker: NAS sources (none configured)
20181017 162919 worker: - Miscellaneous
20181017 162919 worker: Volume level (33) restored
20181017 162919 worker: Maintenance interval (21600)
20181017 162919 worker: Screen saver activation (Never)
20181017 162919 worker: Watchdog started
20181017 162919 worker: Ready
20181017 171415 worker: Job slsvc
20181017 171442 worker: Job spotifysvc
20181017 171502 worker: Job spotifysvc
20181017 171533 worker: Job spotifysvc
20181017 172132 worker: Job slsvc
20181017 172313 watchdog: MPD restart (check syslog for MPD errors)
pi@moode:~ $
"Gewoon boef man" - Boef

Messages In This Thread
Can't use Spotify connect.. - by rudyhov - 10-17-2018, 11:03 PM
RE: Can't use Spotify connect.. - by Tim Curtis - 10-17-2018, 11:19 PM
RE: Can't use Spotify connect.. - by rudyhov - 10-17-2018, 11:35 PM
RE: Can't use Spotify connect.. - by Tim Curtis - 10-17-2018, 11:58 PM
RE: Can't use Spotify connect.. - by rudyhov - 10-18-2018, 05:52 AM
RE: Can't use Spotify connect.. - by Tim Curtis - 10-18-2018, 01:03 PM
RE: Can't use Spotify connect.. - by rudyhov - 10-18-2018, 01:34 PM
RE: Can't use Spotify connect.. - by Tim Curtis - 10-18-2018, 03:34 PM

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